St Cross Building Project: Summer works

The St Cross Building project will continue throughout the Long Vacation, with major demolition work commencing on the 20th of June. Building users should be aware that a large amount of construction will be taking place over the summer; for further information and weekly updates please visit the project website.

During the summer the main entrance to the building will be undergoing refurbishment, and the porters will be relocating from their current space to a desk in the foyer.

Bike racks outside the front of the building will also be closed and additional temporary racks will be located on the grass to the front of the building. Any bikes located on the racks at the front of the building should be moved in the next week.  

Over the summer refurbishment works will continue to the toilet facilities and signage will be put in place to direct users to toilets on the Ground Floor near the Cube lecture theatre, the first floor near the English Graduate Common Room and to the temporary facilities at the front of the building.

Closure of teaching spaces

The main lift installation will be taking place during Michaelmas Term.  Due to concerns about noise and disruption to teaching during Michaelmas, the Law and English Faculties have taken the decision to close the Gulbenkian, the White & Case, Lecture Theatre 2, Seminar Rooms A, B, C & K next term.  Alternative locations for teaching in the main lecture theatres are currently being investigated and updates will be circulated about this once available, and further information about induction events will be communicated as soon as we can.  Regrettably, this probably also means the Missing Bean will not be operating in Michaelmas Term, but should be back in January 2017 with an improved service in a much more attractive space. CafĂ© facilities are available in the Manor Road Building on the first floor, open Monday to Friday.  Breakfast is available 8:30 - 10:30am; lunch 12 - 2pm; and hot drinks, cakes and snacks from opening at 8:30am until closing at 5pm in term and 4pm in vacation

English Faculty Office

Due to the refurbishment works, the English Faculty office will be relocating over the summer to Room 123 on the second floor, near to the English Graduate Common Room. The office will be moving in 9th week, but once moved, the staff will be available by email and telephone as normal. Please also note that there will be no access to the Faculty corridor over the summer while work is carried out. 

Works to the English Faculty Library

Readers are reminded that the English Faculty Library will be closed to readers from 20th June - 30th September and there will be no access to the collections (including rare books and the Old Norse material in the Turville-Petre Room).  Alternative strategies have been put in place to assist readers.  The library staff are being relocated to an office in the Upper Reading Room, Old Bodleian Library.  We will be available there in person, by email at, and through the EFL Live Help link.  The staff are hoping to transfer their telephone number (internal: 71050) but can also be contacted on the telephone at the Upper Reserve: internal 77144.

Works to the Bodleian Law Library

Readers are reminded that the Bodleian Law Library will be closed to readers this summer vacation from Saturday 6th August until Friday 16th September inclusive. Law Library staff are going to be operating a fetching service and a scanning service for those who need it and will take books to the Social Science Library for consultation there. We will also ensure a law library staff member is available in the SSL to answer any queries, and to help with research questions. Staff will also be available on the  or emails, or on the phone. The law collections in the Gladstone Link will still be available, and there will be ample seating in that area.

In addition, the BLL computer rooms will not be available for the summer period, and the current BLL entrance will be inaccessible, with a temporary entrance relocated to the ground floor, south east corner.

We are grateful to building users for their continued cooperation and understanding during this period of works. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the project support officer, Katie Light (