New CSLS Oxford-Berlin Collaboration

Bettina Lange from the Oxford Centre for Socio-Legal Studies and Anna-Bettina Kaiser from the Law & Society-Institut at Humboldt University in Berlin are launching a new collaborative project on the role of law in society, which will lead to two workshops in Oxford and Berlin in 2019 and 2020.

Bettina Lange from the Oxford Centre for Socio-Legal Studies and Anna-Bettina Kaiser from the Law & Society-Institut at Humboldt University in Berlin are launching a new project on the role of law in society.

The project starts a dialogue about cutting-edge socio-legal research between early, mid-career and senior socio-legal researchers linked to both the Centre for Law and Society at the Humboldt University and the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies at Oxford University. We anticipate to generate new ideas not just about on-going and future academic research projects, but we also seek to engage in critical reflection about the methods we deploy to investigate the role of law in society, and how we teach such methods. 

The project will lead to the formation of a new network of socio-legal researchers located in Anglo-American and German-continental traditions of law and society research. We anticipate to exchange ideas in relation to research projects about the courts-politics nexus and the consequences of this for contemporary regimes of social ordering and regulation. In the context of this we are also interested in rendering more explicit how contrasting cultures of legal education, as well as differences and similarities between common and civil law legal systems and changing constitutional cultures, may shape the starting premises of our research projects. 

The project will take the format of two workshops, one in 2019 and one in 2020 to be held in Berlin and Oxford. More information will be available on the CSLS website and social media.