European Financial Regulation – Levelling the Cross-Sectoral Playing Field

Proceedings of the Commercial Law Centre event, European Financial Regulation – Levelling the Cross-Sectoral Playing Field, have been made available online.


On 25 September 2020, the book European Financial Regulation – Levelling the Cross-Sectoral Playing Field (Hart / Bloomsbury) was launched at an online conference exploring the book’s themes.

The event was organised by the Commercial Law Centre at Harris Manchester College in conjunction with the Jan Ronse Institute for Company and Financial Law of KU Leuven University, and the Radboud Business Law Institute at Radboud University, Nijmegen.

The book was edited by Professor Veerle Colaert (KU Leuven), Professor Danny Busch (Radboud) and Professor Thomas Incalza (KU Leuven and UHasselt). Each of these editors, who also authored or co-authored a number of chapters in the book, gave a talk at the conference. Professor Colaert spoke to the need for a cross-sectoral approach to financial regulation, particularly within the EU, and explained the methodology for the book, and its key claims and contributions. Professor Danny Busch and Professor Thomas Incalza offered an analysis of two case studies in the book: know-your customer obligations for investment products, and conflicts of interest and inducements. Talks were also given on the book and some of its themes by John Armour (University of Oxford), who spoke on governance in the financial sector, Georg Ringe (University of Hamburg), who spoke on the regulation of fintech in the EU, and Kristin van Zwieten, Director of the Commercial Law Centre at Harris Manchester College.

These talks were followed by a lively discussion with an online audience of policymakers, practitioners and academics. There was a general consensus that much could be gained by taking the kind of cross-sectoral approach advocated for in the book in the future development of EU financial regulation.

A recording of the proceedings is available here.