New appointment for Dr Kevin Grecksch

Kevin Grecksch, British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow, has been appointed as Law Faculty representative for the Social Sciences Division’s Fixed Term Researcher Forum.

The University is keen to strengthen its support for fixed term research staff and intends to sign the revised Concordat to support the development of researchers (released Sept 2019) in the next few months. This has led to a number of plans across the University, such as the development of a new Research Staff Hub, being put in place with more to follow in the coming year. 

To ensure fixed term researchers’ voices are heard and that fixed term researchers are involved in the decision making, a series of groups have been set up at the University level and this has been echoed in the Social Sciences Division. The representatives will meet on a regular basis as the Social Sciences ‘Divisional Research Staff Forum’ to discuss issues fixed term researchers face, suggest solutions and share good practice between departments. Two members from this group will then represent divisional Research Staff on both the divisional Research Strategy Group and the University Research Staff Consultation Group, feeding into divisional and University decision-making. In this way it is hoped to provide fixed term researchers with a way of communicating with each other and ensure that the challenges they face can be raised and where possible addressed.

If you are a fixed term researcher and would like to share your ideas, thoughts and opinions, please get in touch with Kevin.