Adrian Briggs, KC (Hon)

Emeritus Professor of Private International Law


Adrian Briggs was until 30 September 2021 the Sir Richard Gozney Fellow and Tutor in Law at St Edmund Hall, where he had been a tutorial fellow since 1980, and Professor of Private International Law. His main interest was and still is in private international law, and within that, in questions of civil jurisdiction and the effect of foreign judgments. He spent 15 years as one of the editors of Dicey, Morris and Collins, The Conflict of Laws, but his own perspective on the subject, in its increasingly European character, as it then was, was set out and published in 2015 as Private International Law in English Courts. This took its place alongside his several other books on private international law, of which Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments is the most established, and The Conflict of Laws, in the Clarendon series, the most conversational. 

But as English private international law is now condemned to walk a dark and lonely path, it was necessary to recast these volumes. The work is now underway; it will take some time. Otherwise, Private International Law in Myanmar (2015) and The Law of Contract in Myanmar (jointly with Andrew (now Lord) Burrows (2017)) provided an alternative, and utterly absorbing, intellectual challenge; it is hoped that, when circumstances allow, The Law of Tort in Myanmar will also be written. 

He also practises from chambers in the Temple. 



Research Interests

Private International Law in all its aspects.