Alice Panepinto

Research Visitor - Trinity Term 2024


Dr Alice Panepinto is a Reader in Law at Queen's University Belfast, where she originally joined in 2017 as a Lecturer, prior to which she worked at Warwick University and outside academia in Jerusalem. 

Alice researches international law and human rights with a regional interest in the Middle East. She also explores land and property law issues linked to her core research themes. Her teaching reflects both her research interests and non-academic work.

Her monograph, Truth and Transitional Justice: Localising the International Legal Framework in Muslim Majority Legal Systems (Hart, 2022), investigates synergies between international law and Islamic law in furthering truth-seeking, the formation of collective memories and the victims’ right to know the truth, as key aims of the international paradigm of transitional justice and broadly supported by the shari’ah.

Between 2020-2024 Alice was PI to two parallel AHRC-funded projects exploring the impact of impunity for international law violations on the forcible transfer of Palestinian Bedouin communities in the Jerusalem periphery / central West Bank. An edited collection on the topic is forthcoming. 

At the Bonavero Institute, Alice will be researching settler violence as state violence in the occupied Palestinian territory, to better understand the extent to which acts committed by individuals can be ascribed to the state and what the legal consequences of that might be.