
Saarrah Ray is a DPhil in Law candidate. Her thesis explores Radical Feminism on Reconceptualising the ‘Designer Vagina’ as Violence Against Women: An Argument Supporting the Criminalisation of Female Genital Cosmetic Surgery. Her thesis is supervised by Professor Imogen Goold and Professor Jonathan Herring. Saarrah holds an LLB (Hons) (first-class) and an MA in Bioethics and Medical Law (distinction) from St Mary’s University Twickenham, London. Her general research interests include violence against women and girls, body modifications, sexual politics and feminist legal theory. 

She was a Graduate Research Resident at the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights (January 2024 - December 2024). Saarrah has also held Lectureships in Law at The Queen's College (Oxford) and Worcester College (Oxford), teaching Tort Law and Criminal Law. 


Featured Publications


Research Interests

Feminist Legal Theory; Gender, Sexuality and the Law; Violence Against Women and Girls; Body Modifications and Beauty Politics.

Research projects & programmes

Family and Medical Law Research Group

Options taught