Stefan Enchelmaier
Professor of European and Comparative Law
Other affiliations
Institute of European and Comparative LawBiography
I studied law, philosophy, and Latin at the Universities of Cologne, Hamburg, and Edinburgh; obtained my doctorate from the University of Bonn with a thesis on European competition law, and my habilitation from the University of Munich with a thesis on comparative Anglo-German personal property law. After a stint in practice, I held posts in Oxford (1997-2003); Max-Planck-Institute for Intellectual Property and Competition Law, Munich (2003-2008); and York (2008-2013).
Enchelmaier S, ‘What Keck and Mithouard Should Have Said: It Could Have Been So Simple’ (2023) 2023 8(1) European Papers - A Journal on Law and Integration 385
Enchelmaier S, ‘Restrictions ‘by object’ after Generics, Lundbeck , and Budapest Bank: are we any wiser now?’ (2023) 11(Supplement_1) Journal of Antitrust Enforcement i72
Enchelmaier S, ‘The Foundations of the Internal Market: Free Trade Area and Customs Union under Articles 28-31 TFEU’ [2019] (3) Erasmus Law Journal 219
Enchelmaier S, ‘Stranded: ’European’ Ltds Post-Brexit’ (2018) 33(8) Journal of International Banking and Financial Law 513
Enchelmaier S, ‘Exit from Brexit: would quitter’s remorse count under Article 50 TEU?’ [2018] (May) Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law 278
Enchelmaier S, ‘Erschöpfung des Rechts zum Weiterverkauf ""gebrauchter"" Software’ (2013) 10 GPR 224
Enchelmaier S, ‘Die englische floating charge: Aufstieg und Fall eines Sicherungsrechts’ (2013) 112 ZVglRWiss
Enchelmaier S, ‘Alpine transport restrictions reconsidered: <i>Commission</i> v. <i>Austria</i>’ (2013) 50(1) COMMON MARKET LAW REVIEW 183
Enchelmaier S, ‘Rechtsdurchsetzung vs Geheimnisschutz im englischen Zivilprozessrecht’ (2012) 61 GRUR Int 503
Enchelmaier S, ‘’Mandatory Requirements’ under Article 101(3)TFEU? The Complementary Relationship between EU Competition and Free Movement Law’ (2012) 11(3) Competition Law Journal 182
Enchelmaier S, ‘Dont Bet On It: Freedom to Provide Services in the Internal Market and the Regulation of the Gambling Industry’ [2011] Euro CL xi
Enchelmaier S, ‘Always at your Service (Within Limits): The ECJs Case Law on Article 56 TFEU (2006-2011)’ (2011) 2011(5) European Law Review 615
Enchelmaier S, ‘Always at Your Service (Within Limits): The ECJ’s Case Law on Article 56 TFEU (2006-11)’ (2011) 36(5) EUROPEAN LAW REVIEW 615
Enchelmaier S, ‘Moped Trailers, Mickelsson & Roos, Gysbrechts: The ECJ’s Case Law on Goods Keeps on Moving’ (2010) 29(1) Yearbook of European Law 190
Enchelmaier S, ‘Moped Trailers, Mickelson and Roos, and Gysbrechts: the ECJs case law on goods keeps on moving’ (2010) 29 Yearbook of European Law 190
Drexl J and others, ‘Comments of the Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law on the white paper by the directorate-general for competition of April 2008 on damages actions for breach of the EC antitrust rules’ (2008) 39(7) IIC International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law 799
Enchelmaier S, ‘Something Intangible to Hold on to—the Spectrum of Security over Receivables in England and Germany’ (2008) 10 Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies 99
Enchelmaier S, ‘The inexhaustible question - free movement of goods and intellectual property in the European Court of Justice’s case law, 2002-2006’ (2007) 38(4) International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law 453
Enchelmaier S, ‘The inexhaustible question: free movement of goods and intellectual property in the European Court of Justices case law, 2002–2006’ (2007) 38 IIC 353
Enchelmaier S, ‘The ECJs recent case law on the free movement of goods: Movement in all sorts of direction’ (2007) 26 Yearbook of European Law 115
J Drexl B and Enchelmaier S, ‘Comments of the Max-Planck-Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law on the Commission Directorate General for Competition Discussion Paper of December 2005 on Exclusionary Abuses’ (2006) 37 IIC 558
Drexl J and others, ‘Comments of the Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law on the Directorate-General Competition diScussion Paper of December 2005 on the application of Art. 82 of the EC Treaty to exclusionary abuses’ (2006) 37(5) IIC-INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND COMPETITION LAW 558
Drexl J and others, ‘Comments on the Green Paper by the directorate-general for competition of December 2005 on damages actions for breach of the EC antitrust rules’ (2006) 37(6) IIC-INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND COMPETITION LAW 700
Enchelmaier S, ‘Consumer interests and contract law in the draft directive on services in the internal market’ [2005] ERA-Forum 232
Enchelmaier S, ‘The Awkward Selling of a Good Idea, or a Traditionalist Interpretation of Keck’ (2003) 22 Yearbook of European Law 249
Enchelmaier S, ‘Freedom to Provide Services and Consumer Protection’ (2002) 3 ERA-Forum 164
Enchelmaier S, ‘Current Developments: EC Law’ (2000) 47 ICLQ 706
Enchelmaier S, ‘The New Regulation 659/99 on the Commissions Procedure in State Aid Cases’ [1999] (October) European Current Law xi
ENCHELMAIER S, The Magical Mystery of words: ‘Direct Effect’ and All That (Hart 2024)
Enchelmaier S, Übertragung und Belastung unkörperlicher Gegenstände im europäischen Privatrecht (Mohr Siebeck 2014)
Enchelmaier S, Studienbuch Europäisches Wirtschaftsrecht (Textbook on European Economic Law) (Beck 2005)
Enchelmaier S, Europäische Wettbewerbspolitik im Oligopol – Eine Untersuchung der Behandlung von Oligopolfällen durch die Kommission und den Gerichtshof der Europäischen Gemeinschaften [European competition plicy vis-à-vis oligopolistic markets] (Nomos 1997)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Chamber Music, Atonal: How the Structure of the CJEU Affects the Jurisprudence on Free Movement of Goods’ in J ADAMS-PRASSL, S Bogojević and D LECZYKIEWICZ (eds.), The Internal Market Ideal: Essays in Honour of Stephen Weatherill (Oxford University Press (OUP) 2024)
ENCHELMAIER S, ‘The Elimination of Quantitative Restrictions and Measures Having Equivalent Effect on Imports, Article 34 TFEU – or: What Has Free Movement of Goods Ever Done for EU Law?’ in R Schutze (ed.), Principles of EU Law (2024)
ENCHELMAIER S, ‘Block Exemption Regulation (EU) No. 2022/720 on Vertical Agreements, No. 2023/1066 on Research and Development Agreements, and No. 2023/1067 on Specialisation Agreements’ in W Berg and G Maesch (eds.), Deutsches und Europäisches Kartellrecht (German and European Competition Law), 5th ed (Luchterhand 2024)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Restrictions on Advertising and the Free Movement of Goods and Services: Opinions of Advocate General Jacobs in Leclerc-Siplec, De Agostini, and Gourmet’ in G Butler and A Lazowski (eds.), Shaping EU Law the British Way: UK Advocates General at the Court of Justice of the European Union (Hart 2022)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Free Movement of Goods: Evolution and Intelligent Design in the Foundations of the European Union’, The Evolution of EU Law (Oxford University Press (OUP) 2021)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Commentary on Block Exemption Regulation 330/2010 on Vertical Restrictions [in German]’ in W Berg and G Mäsch (eds.), Deutsches und Europäisches Kartellrecht – Kommentar. (Luchterhand 2021)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Commentary on Block Exemption Regulation No. 1217/2010 on Research and Development Agreements [in German]’ in W Berg and G Mäsch (eds.), Deutsches und Europäisches Kartellrecht – Kommentar. (Luchterhand 2021)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Commentary on Block Exemption Regulation No. 1218/2010 on Specialisation Agreements [in German]’ in W Berg and G Mäsch (eds.), Deutsches und Europäisches Kartellrecht – Kommentar. (Luchterhand 2021)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Juristische Kommentare: Literaturformen in rechtsvergleichender Perspektive – Englisches Recht’ in R Zimmermann, N Jansen and D Kästle-Lamparter (eds.), Juristische Kommentare: Literaturformen in rechtsvergleichender Perspektive (Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2020)
Enchelmaier S, ‘The Development of the Free Movement Principles over Time’ in S Garben and I Govaere (eds.), Internal Market 2.0 (Hart 2020)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Stranded: ‘German’ Ltds Post-Brexit – the British Private Company Limited by Shares – a European Success Story’, The Internal Market and the Future of European Integration (Cambridge University Press (CUP) 2019)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Block Exemption Regulation (EU) No. 330/2010 on Vertical Agreements’ in W Berg and G Mäsch (eds.), Deutsches und Europäisches Kartellrecht, 3rd edn (Luchterhand 2018)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Block Exemption Regulation No. 1217/2010 on Research and Development Agreements’ in W Berg and G Mäsch (eds.), Deutsches und Europäisches Kartellrecht, 3rd edn (Luchterhand 2018)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Block Exemption Regulation No. 1218/2010 on Specialisation Agreements’ in W Berg and G Mäsch (eds.), Deutsches und Europäisches Kartellrecht, 3rd edn (Luchterhand 2018)
ENCHELMAIER S, ‘Restrictions on the Use of Goods and Services’ in M Andenas (ed.), The reach of free movement (T.M.C. Asser Press 2017)
ENCHELMAIER S, ‘Horizontality: the application of the four freedoms to restrictions imposed by private parties’, Research Handbook on the Law of the EU’s Internal Market (Edward Elgar 2017)
Enchelmaier S, ‘A doctrine at sea, on a jet ski: Recent developments in the ECJs case-law on goods and services’ in M Andenas (ed.), The reach of free movement (Springer 2017)
Enchelmaier S, ‘No. 1218/2010 on Specialisation Agreements’ in W Berg and G Mäsch (eds.), Deutsches und Europäisches Kartellrecht, 2nd edn (Luchterhand 2015)
Enchelmaier S, ‘No. 1217/2010 on Research and Development Agreements’ in W Berg and G Mäsch (eds.), Deutsches und Europäisches Kartellrecht, 2nd edn (Luchterhand 2015)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Selective Distribution and the Internet: Lessons from Case C439/09 Pierre Fabre Dermo-Cosmetique’ in G Surblyte (ed.), Competition on the Internet (Springer 2015)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Block Exemption Regulation (EU) No. 330/2010 on Vertical Agreements’ in W Berg and G Mäsch (eds.), Deutsches und Europäisches Kartellrecht, 2nd edn (Luchterhand 2015)
Enchelmaier S, ‘A Competition Law Perspective I: Competition Law Aspects of European Patents with Unitary Effect’ in J Pila and C Wadlow (eds.), The Unitary EU Patent System (Hart 2015)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Unkoerperliche Gueter im Common Law (Intangibles in the Common Law)’ in S Leible (ed.), Unkoerperliche Gueter im Zivilrecht (Mohr Siebeck 2011)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Hardcore Restrictions in Technology Transfer Agreements under Regulation (EC) No. 772/2004’ in A Ezrachi and S Anderman (eds.), Intellectual Property and Competition Law: New Frontiers (Oxford University Press 2011)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Proprietary transactions in intellectual property in England and Germany: transfer of ownership, licensing, and charging’ in A Kur and V Mizaras (eds.), The Structure of Intellectual Property Law: Can One Size Fit All (Edward Elgar 2011)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Publizität aus englischer Sicht (the English law of accounts and reports)’ in W F Ebke and A Mohlenkamp (eds.), Rechnungslegung, Publizität und Wettbewerb (Nomos 2010)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Measures of Equivalent Effect II: Specific Measures’ in P Oliver and S Enchelmaier et al (eds.), Oliver on Free Movement of Goods in the European, 5th edn (Hart 2010)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Article 36 TFEU: General’ in P Oliver and S Enchelmaier et al (eds.), Oliver on Free Movement of Goods in the European, 5th edn (Hart 2010)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Block Exemption Regulation (EC) No. 2790/1999 on Vertical Agreements’ in G Mäsch (ed.), Kartellrechtskommentar (Beck 2009)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Block Exemption Regulation (EC) No. 2659/2000 on Research and Development agreements’ in G Mäsch (ed.), Kartellrechtskommentar (Beck 2009)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Block Exemption Regulation (EC) No. 2658/2000 on Specialisation Agreements’ in G Mäsch (ed.), Kartellrechtskommentar (Beck 2009)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Kartellrechtliche Aspekte (Competition law and accounting)’ (Springer 2008)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Intellectual property, the internal market and competition law’, Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and Competition Law (2008)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Die dezentrale Anwendung des Europäischen Kartellrechts nach der Verordnung (EG) Nr 1/2003’ in M Stolleis and W Streeck (eds.), Aktuelle Fragen zu politischer und rechtlicher Steuerung im Kontext der Globalisierung (Common Goods: Law, Politics and Economics, vol 17) (Nomos 2007)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Artt. 81–86 EC (commentary on European competition antitrust law, incl. secondary Community law)’ in H Wilms and K Hailbronner (eds.), Recht der Europaeischen Union (Kohlhammer 2006)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Meistbegünstigung im EG-Recht – Allgemeine Grundsätze’ in Cordewener, Enchelmaier and Schindler (eds.), Meistbegünstigung im Steuerrecht der EU-Staaten (Beck 2006)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Assignment in its commercial context’ in A Vaquer (ed.), La Tercera Parte de los Principios de Derecho Contractual Europeo: Principles of European Contract Law Part 3 (Tirant 2005)
Enchelmaier S, ‘First sneaking, then galloping: the Europeanisation of competition law’ in E F Perez Carillo (ed.), Estudios de Derecho mercantil europeo (Marcial Pons 2005)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Equality Rights: market economy, free competition, and rights of equality’ in C Ruiz Miguel (ed.), Estudios sobre la Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la Union Europea (University Santiago de Compostela 2004)
Enchelmaier S, ‘ECJ, Cases C-469/00 and C-108/01’ (Common Market Law Review 2004)
Enchelmaier S and S Markesinis B, ‘The Applicability of Human Rights as between Individuals under German Constitutional Law’ in B S Markesinis (ed.), Protecting Privacy (Oxford University Press 1999)
O Mackenrodt M, Conde Gallego B and Enchelmaier S, Abuse of Dominant Position: New Interpretation – New Enforcement Mechanisms? (Springer 2008)
Cordewener A, Enchelmaier S and Schindler C, Meistbegünstigung im Steuerrecht der EU-Staaten (Beck 2006)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Four Freedoms, Ever More Principles?’ (2016) 36(1) Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 192 (review)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Marco Niehaus, Der Ausgleich der Parteiinteressen bei Konkurrenzklauseln nach deutschem und englischem Recht’ (2015) 64 GRUR Int 987 (review)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Paul Craig/Grainne de Burca (Hg.), The Evolution of EU Law’ (2013) 38 EL Rev 277 (review)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Lidgard (ed.), National Developments in the Intersection of IPR and Competition Law: From Maglite to Pirate Bay, Swedish Studies in European Law vol. 3’ (2012) 61 GRUR Int 846 (review)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Andermann/Schmidt, EU Competition Law and Intellectual Property Rights - The Regulation of Innovation’ (2012) 61 GRUR Int 698 (review)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Ng, Bently, and DAgostino (eds.), The Common Law of Intellectual Property: Essays in Honour of Prof. David Vaver’ (2011) 60 GRUR Int 652 (review)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Hansen (ed), Intellectual Property Law and Policy, vol. 11’ (2011) 60 GRUR Int 781 (review)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Calnan, Proprietary Rights and Insolvency’ (2011) 31 Legal Studies 329 (review)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Jungermann, Kollektive Marktbeherrschung durch interdependentes Parallelverhalten und deren Missbrauch’ (2010) 59 GRUR Int 173 (review)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Bachner, Creditor Protection in Private Companies: Anglo-German Perspectives for a European Legal Discourse’ (2010) 30 Legal Studies 337 (review)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Gormley, EU law of free movement of goods and customs Union’ (2010) 35 EL Rev 589 (review)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Mevorach, Insolvency within multinational enterprise groups’ (2010) 30 Legal Studies 674 (review)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Immenga and Mestmäcker, Wettbewerbsrecht. EG, parts 1 and 2, 4th edn’ (2009) 40(abridged German version) IIC (review)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Immenga and Mestmäcker, Wettbewerbsrecht. EG, parts 1 and 2, 4th edn’ (2009) 73(German Version) Rabels Zeitsvhrift 400 (review)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Langen and Bunte, Kommentar zum deutschen und Europäischen Kartellrecht, 10th edn’ (2009) 58(German Version) GRUR Int 85 (review)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Langen and Bunte, Kommentar zum deutschen und Europäischen Kartellrecht 10th edn’ (2008) 39((English version) IIC 132 (review)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Faull and Nikpay, The EC Law of Competition, 2nd edn’ (2008) 57 GRUR Int 871 (review)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Korah, An Introductory Guide to EC Competition Law and Practice, 9th edn’ (2008) 57 GRUR Int 266 (review)
Oliver P and Enchelmaier S, ‘Free movement of goods: Recent developments in the case law’ (2007) 44(3) Common Market Law Review 649 (review)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Rainer Bechtold, Kartellgesetz: GWB’ (2007) 56 GRUR Int 180 (review)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Korah, Cases and Materials on EC competition law, 3rd edn’ (2007) 38 IIC 878 (review)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Loewenheim, Meesen & Riesenkampf, Kartellrecht. Vol. II: GWB. Kommentar’ (2007) 38 IIC 624 (review)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Christian v Bar, Ausländisches Privat- und Privatverfahrensrecht in deutscher Sprache. Systematische Nachweise aus Schrifttum, Rechtsprechung und Gutachten 1990-2006’ (2006) 55 GRUR Int 1054 (review)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Bechtold, Bosch, Brinker & Hirsbrunner, EG-Kartellrecht’ (2006) 37 IIC 885 (review)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Technologietransfer-Vereinbarungen: neue Verordnung, alte Fragen. Review of Valentine Korah, Intellectual Property Rights and the EC Competition Rules’ (2006) 55 GRUR Int 675 (review)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Piet-Jan Slot & Angus C. Johnston: An Introduction to Competition Law’ (2006) 37 IIC 1004 (review)
Enchelmaier S, ‘J. Snell, Goods and Services in EC law. A Study of the relationship between the Freedoms’ (2004) 24 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 155 (review)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Cornish/Llewelyn, Intellectual Property, 5th edn’ [2004] GRUR Int 540 (review)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Cornish/Llewelyn, Intellectual Property, 5th edn’ (2004) 35((in English) IIC 872 (review)
Enchelmaier S, ‘de Burca and Weiler, The European Court of Justice, The Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, Vol X.1’ (2003) 119 LQR 678 (review)
Enchelmaier S, ‘K. Alter, Establishing the Supremacy of European Law’ (2003) 23 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 281 (review)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Andenas and Roth, Services and Free Movement in EU Law’ [2003] International and Comparative Law Quarterly 1065 (review)
Enchelmaier S, ‘B J Rodger und A McCulloch, The UK Competition Act: A New Era for UK Competition Law’ (2001) 117 LQR 512 (review)
Enchelmaier S, ‘V Korah, An Introductory Guide to EC Competition Law and Practice’ (1998) 18 Yearbook of European Law 726 (review)
Enchelmaier S, ‘U Neergaard, Competition and Competences’ (1998) 18 Yearbook of European Law 728 (review)
Enchelmaier S, ‘The smell of success: L’Oreal v Bellure in the European Court of Justice and in the Court of Appeal’ [2010] (December) Euro CL xi (case-note)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Repackaging in the National Courts: the German Federal Court’s recent jurisprudence on parallel imports under Arts. 28 and 30 EC’ [2009] (March) Euro CL xi (case-note)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Free movement of goods: new departures in the ECJ’s case law’ [2009] (October) Euro CL xi (case-note)
Enchelmaier S, ‘It’s all in the mind: the ECJ’s Copad v Dior Judgment on unauthorised sales of trade marked goods to discount stores’ [2009] (November) Euro CL xi (case-note)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Stickers all over again: the ECJ in Boehringer Ingelheim No. 2’ (2007) 2(June) Euro CL xi (case-note)
Enchelmaier S, ‘The Peak Holding Case: The Notion Of Exhaustion Of Intellectual Property Rights In The Internal Market Clarified’ [2005] (May) Euro CL xi (case-note)
Enchelmaier S, ‘Cuckoo’s Eggs From Parma And Other Regional Delicacies: Protected Designations Of Origin In European Community Law’ [2004] (February) European Current Law xi (case-note)
Enchelmaier S, ‘A popular Aversion against Stickers: The European Court of Justice on the Repackaging of Pharmaceuticals’ [2002] (November) European Current Law xi (case-note)
Enchelmaier S, ‘The Davidoff and Levi Strauss Case: The Court pours Cool Water over Parallel Imports from outside the Community’ [2002] (April) European Current Law xi (case-note)