Wellcome Trust Small Arts Award

Latest funder deadline: 1st June 2016

The next deadline might be announced in November 2016.


This scheme funds new artistic projects that enable artists and audiences to explore health research. These awards offer support up to £40,000.


Small Arts Awards are open to:

  • individuals, eg artists, producers and curators
  • organisations, eg companies, community groups and universities. 

Your project team should include: 

  • a professional artist
  • a researcher with expertise in the subject you’re exploring, eg a research scientist, health professional, ethicist or medical historian.


For more information on this scheme please visit the Small Arts Awards pages on the Wellcome Trust website.


Funder Deadline1st June 2016
Research Services Deadlinen/a
Law Faculty Deadline for first draft review17th May 2016
Law Faculty Deadline for initial expression of interest10th May 2016