Collaborative Research Projects on Society, Integrity & Cyber Security

Last funder deadline: 15th March 2016

Funder deadline: 15 March 2016
Research Services deadline: 8 March 2016 (-5)
Law Faculty deadline for first draft for review:  23 February 2016 (-15)
Law Faculty deadline for initial expression of interest: 16 February  2016 (-20)

A collaboration between NordForsk, the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) , this call has a broad international focus. Researchers based at institutions located in Finland, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and the United Kingdom are eligible to apply for funding for collaborative research projects on society, integrity and cyber‐security.

The funding available for this transnational call is 4.2 million Euro, and up to five projects may be funded, with a minimum duration of three years and a maximum of four years. Teams will include researchers from at least three of the participating countries.

For more information see the ESRC webpages, or read the full scheme details on the Nordforsk website.


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