Genetics and Welfare: Integrating Legal, Ethical, and Scientific Perspectives
Full list of presenters and discussants:
- Marian Dawkins, Oxford University
- David Bennett, Oxford University
- Mark Hoon, NIDCR, NIH
- Penny Hawkins, RSPCA Animals in Science Department
- Jan Linkenhoker, Office of New Animal Drug Evaluation, FDA
- Yuval Cinnamon, Agricultural Research Organization – The Volcani Center
- Alison Van Eenennaam, UC Davis
- Adam Shriver, Drake University
- Henry Greely, Center for Law and the Biosciences, Stanford University
- Peter Stevenson, Compassion in World Farming
- Dominic Wright, Linköping University
- Christian Reimer, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut – Federal Research Institute for Animal Health
- James Bussell, Director of Biomedical and Veterinary Services, Oxford University
- Jon Oatley, Washington State University
- Alastair Wilson, University of Exeter
- Jasmine Gunkle, NIH Bioethics
- Jacob Shwartz-Lucas, Animal Science Research Institute
Event Description

Join us from 2-5 PM on February 7th for an interdisciplinary dialogue on pain genetics across species. This event provides an opportunity to hear from many diverse experts on the intricate connections between genetics, animal welfare science, and the legal landscape. It will examine the effects that selective breeding has had on animal welfare, newer breeding techniques that greatly accelerate this change, and the rise of newer genetic techniques in animals. This comes as multiple genetically engineered agricultural species have been approved for human consumption in the US, and the UK has passed a bill clearing a regulatory path for gene editing. We will explore genes involved in many traits relevant to welfare, especially nociception, related concepts like sensory awareness of pain, the affective component of pain, and other sources of distress. This event will also examine the evolutionary conservation of Mendelian pain traits, and both the remarkable genetic similarity between species and the differences. Refreshments and lunch from Damascus Rose Kitchen will be provided!
Planning Committee
- Henry Greely: Director, Center for Law and the Biosciences, Stanford University
Sarah Levy: Convenor, Oxford Animal Law Discussion Group, Oxford University
Jacob Shwartz-Lucas: Director, Animal Science Research Institute
Kathleen Sluka, Professor of Neuroscience and Pharmacology, University of Iowa
Adam Shriver, Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Philosophy), Drake University
Min Zhuo, Professor of Physiology and Neuroscience, University of Toronto
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 838 3772 6248
Passcode: 547415