Eleven new research student join the Centre

2023 has seen the arrival of a strong cohort of new students studying a wide range of exciting topics. Five are embarking on the DPhil and six on the MPhil.

They come from a variety of different countries and academic backgrounds, but their projects all centre on empirical research. We look forward to seeing how their projects develop over the coming years.

CSLS 1st years



Rebekka Geremew, ‘How climate change activists position themselves towards the law and why they choose to break it’

Vendula Kolarik Mezelová, ‘Comparing normative behavioural tools and law: a poststructuralist analysis of legitimizing procedures in vaccination policies’

Krzysztof Lukaszek, ‘The contested “public” nature of green urban spaces in land and public law: a comparative case study of London and Warsaw’

Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaes, ‘A socio-historical study of the role of media in nation-building in East Timor’

Lisa Völzmann, ‘Data for the public interest: the regulation of B2G data sharing in international data governance models’



Koko Alhusainy, ‘Decolonizing international ctizenship law: a case stuy of citizenship law and the foreigner in German legal history’

Julian Applebaum, ‘“In rubber we trust”: a study of legal consciousness and queer public sex establishments'

Zeinab Bazzi, ‘The making of a “just” state: implementing the individual approach theory through policies and regulation’

Julia Gill, ‘Childen’s rights’ organizations’ influence in the American homeschooling regulatory space: a grounded-theory approach’

Barathi Nakkeeran, ‘Waste histories: precarious labour and the colonial state’

Qiandai Wang, ‘Green innovation and the consumerism trap: the reckless power of creative destruction and competition law challenges’