Professor Dr Hannes Unberath

We are very sorry to record the death of Professor Dr Hannes Unberath, who died from cancer on 28th January. Professor Dr Hannes Unberath read law at Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar at Worcester College in 1997.

During his time at Oxford, Professor Dr Unberath was awarded the MJur and DPhil in Law and received several academic prizes. He went on to become research assistant at the Institute of International Law at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich and was subsequently  a Visiting Fellow at University College, London and  Professor of Civil Law at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena. Since September 2009, he was Professor of Civil Law and Civil Procedure Law at the University of Bayreuth. Professor Dr Unberath retained close connections with Rhodes House since his time in Oxford and was  German National Secretary to the Rhodes Trust.