Professor Adrian Briggs appointed QC honoris causa

Many congratulations to Professor Adrian Briggs who has been appointed Queen's Counsel honoris causa.

The Ministry of Justice have released the following with further information about Professor Briggs' appointment:

Professor Adrian Briggs is a legal academic and barrister. His nomination focuses on his book on private international law which is relied upon by the courts. He has been a full-time member of the academic staff of the Faculty of Law of the University of Oxford, and a Tutorial Fellow of St Edmund Hall, since 1980; and a non-resident member of Blackstone Chambers since 1990. He is an expert in private international law, in particular on the law of jurisdiction and foreign judgments. He is an author or editor of several significant publications, the one most frequently cited being Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments, now in its 6th edition. His Private International Law in English Courts, published in 2015, seeks to restate the subject in line with its increasingly European infrastructure and details; and Agreements on Jurisdiction and Choice of Law will be published in its second edition in the coming year. He has given advice to bodies charged with law reform, and with the scrutiny of proposed new laws, when and whenever invited to do so. He has also given evidence on English private international law to courts in several jurisdictions overseas.

The award of Queen’s Counsel honoris causa (Honorary QC) is made to lawyers who have made a major contribution to the law of England & Wales outside practice in the courts. The Ministry of Justice invited nominations for consideration as Honorary QC during the period 19 June 2015 to 18 September 2015. Following an assessment by a small selection panel, the Lord Chancellor passed on his recommendations to Her Majesty the Queen in December 2015.