Now Available: Oxford Human Rights Hub Free Online Course on the Right to Education

You can now watch ALL 4 modules of the OxHRH-OSF free online course - ‘Learning Lessons from Litigators: Realising the Right to Education through Public Interest Lawyering' on the OxHRH YouTube channel! 

You can now watch ALL 4 modules of the OxHRH-OSF free online course - ‘Learning Lessons from Litigators’! The final module, Module 4, features expert insights on privatisation and using international forums to achieve the #Right2Education for every child. Find it on the OxHRH YouTube channel!

Thanks to Open Society Foundations for supporting this project!
Thanks to our experts:
Nurina Ally, Thiago Amparo, Kiran Bhatty, Mireille de Koning, Delphine Dorsi, Lisa Draga, Jayna Kothari, Cameron McConnachie, Salima Namusobya, Tembeka Ngcukaitobi, Michael Rebell, Sarah Sephton, Ann Skelton
And thanks to the team behind the production:
Prof Sandy Fredman
Dr Meghan Campbell
Dr Kira Allmann
Helen Taylor
Jason Brickhill
Conor Molloy (music)