Professor Dapo Akande’s Book awarded the American Society of International Law Certificate of Merit

Professor Dapo Akande’s book, Oppenheim's International Law: United Nations (OUP), (co-authored with Dame Rosalyn Higgins GBE QC, Philippa Webb, Sandesh Sivakumaran and James Sloan), has been awarded the American Society of International Law’s “Certificate of Merit for High Technical Craftsmanship and Utility to Practicing Lawyers and Scholars.” 

The ASIL Certificates of Merit are regarded as among the most prestigious book prizes awarded in the field of international law. The Awards Committee said "this work is impressive for its coverage of significant areas of the United Nation policy and practice…. [It] provide[s] a treasure trove of insight into how the United Nations actually operates. ...This work, which is disciplined, engaging, and highly accessible, will serve as necessary reading in international law for years to come."
The prize for the two-volume work was presented on March 28 at the American Society of International Law’s (ASIL) Annual Meeting held in Washington DC.