Dr Shona Minson on Channel 5 News

Dr Shona Minson appeared on Channel 5 News this week, discussing the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights (JCHR) report, ‘The right to family life: children whose mothers are in prison’, published 9th September.

Dr Minson's research examines the status of children of prisoners in English law and the effects of the imprisonment of mothers on their children. Dr Minson shared her research findings with the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights in March 2018, in particular with regard to the state duty to protect children from discrimination which they may face as a consequence of the status or activities of their parents. As a consequence, the JCHR held an enquiry into the right to family life of children whose mother is imprisoned, the basis for their recent report. 

On the programme, Dr Minson discussed the strides forward made since she began her research, including the new guidelines being introduced by the Sentencing Council from 1st October, which align closely with many recommendations made by the report.