Call for Papers - 'Feminist Imaginings: feminist jurisprudence in theory and practice'

The Feminist Jurisprudence Discussion Group is back with its second Annual Workshop! This year's workshop is open to all students, academics, activists, and anyone who would like to showcase their work as a ten minute presentation relating broadly to the theme ‘Feminist imaginings: feminist jurisprudence in theory and practice’. The workshop will be on the 1st June 2022 from 12pm to 7pm in the Cube at the Law Faculty. The workshop will run from 12-4:30pm, with lunch provided, and be followed by a drinks reception. 

We warmly invite your interpretation on the theme, be that theoretical, empirical or methodological, and encourage you to apply via the form below, outlining your proposed presentation in no more than 300 words. Applications are welcome on something presenters are working on currently* or on a completely new idea that presenters have developed into a ten minute presentation.

Please apply here.

The FJDG is running this event to bring together people working in diverse disciplines and areas on issues relating to feminist jurisprudence, to foster multidisciplinary discussions and collective imaginations of what feminist jurisprudence might look like. 

Please note, the deadline for applications is 5pm Friday 13th May 2022. We are delighted to announce that this year we will also be awarding the best presentation a prize of £200. 

We will be in touch with successful applicants, with more details of deadlines to submit presentations and the format of the event, via email by Wednesday 18th May 2021. Thank you so much for your interest, we warmly invite and welcome your application!

* with the exception of previously published chapters of a DPhil/PhD thesis’.

If you have any questions at all about the application process or workshop itself, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via email at @Feminist Juris Discussion Group.