Aleydis Nissen
Aleydis Nissen is an Academic Visitor at the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies for TT2022. She is a research fellow at Leiden Law school and the Free Universities of Brussels. CUP will publish her monograph ‘The European Union, Emerging Global Businesses & Human Rights'. This book is based on a PhD thesis that was funded by Cardiff University. This work received the 2020 Best Thesis Prize of the European Public Law Organisation, the 2021 Thesis Prize of the Strasbourg-based Fondation René Cassin International Institute of Human Rights (co-winner), and the Andrés Bello Prize instituted by the James B. Scott Competition of the Geneva-based Institute of International Law (co-winner).
Previously, Aleydis completed postgraduate studies in law, marketing management and international research journalism at KU Leuven association. During her time as an academic visitor at the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies in Oxford, Aleydis will be working on her FWO and F.R.S.-FNRS funded research ‘When Corporations Disrespect Women's Human Rights: Access to Remediation’.