Niklas Eder

Niklas Eder (LLM and Maître en Droit) is a Postdoctoral Fellow in Digital Policy at the Centre for Socio Legal Studies at Oxford Law School. He also serves as a Visiting Lecturer at King's College London, and is the co-founder of User Rights.
Previously, Niklas worked as Senior Policy Officer at the Oversight Board where he lead work streams on systemic risk assessments, machine learning-based content moderation systems and strategic governance. Niklas was also a Fellow at the Information Society Project at Yale Law School, where his research focused on assessing societal implications of AI. As a Visiting Scholar at Columbia University, he conducted research on the reasoning and legitimacy of the European Court Justice in the context of conflicts on the rule of law. He wrote his PhD thesis with Mattias Wendel at the University of Leipzig under the title “Legal Reasoning and the Values of the EU - A Reflection on the Past, Present and Future of ECJ”. He worked at the Free University Berlin, Humboldt University Berlin and in the German Parliament. Niklas holds an LL.M. degree from King’s College London, a Maîtrise en Droit from Université Paris 2 and a law degree from Humboldt University.
Niklas previously taught the courses “Technology, Democracy and Society” at King’s College London, “Law in the Algorithmic Society” for the European Law School at Humboldt University, “The Law and Ethics of Big Data” at Yale Law School, “European Union Law” at the Free University in Berlin, “Constitutional Law” at the University of Leipzig and “Fundamental Rights Law” at the University of Bielefeld. Among his scholarly publications are the articles“Making Systemic Risk Assessments Work: How the DSA Creates a Virtuous Loop to Address the Societal Harms of Content Moderation”, forthcoming in the German law Journal, and “Beyond Automation: Machine Learning-Based Systems and Human Behavior in the Personalization Economy”, published in the Stanford Technology Law Review. His latest popular publications include “A New Animal Joins the Circus: On the Nature and Value of Out-of-Court Dispute Settlement Under the DSA” for Tech Policy Press and “Der Digital Services Act bedroht das institutionelle Gleichgewicht der EU” for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.