Research Roundtable on Business and Human Rights Litigation, 22-24 January 2025
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On 22-24 January 2025, the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights hosted a research roundtable on business and human rights litigation, bringing together approximately 40 participants from over 20 jurisdictions across all continents. Organised by Dr Ekaterina Aristova, the roundtable served as a platform to discuss chapters for the forthcoming Cambridge Handbook on Business and Human Rights Litigation, which she is co-editing.
The event kicked off with a public-facing panel titled Impact of Business and Human Rights Litigation: Transnational Perspectives, which is available for viewing via a recorded video. Over the subsequent two days, contributors engaged in robust discussions of the Handbook’s chapters. The diversity of case studies featured in the Handbook includes, among others, land grabbing in Cambodia, supply chain litigation in England, rights of nature jurisprudence in Ecuador, the Rana
Plaza collapse in Bangladesh, dam collapses in Brazil and cobalt mining in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The roundtable was made possible through the generous support of the Bonavero Institute, Woodsford, Oxford’s Faculty of Law, the Leverhulme Trust and the University of Connecticut’s School of Business.