“The indicators’ debate” round table

Event date
11 February 2019
Event time
10:00 - 11:45
Oxford week
CSLS Seminar Room
Dr Anna Tsalapatanis, Lena Rose

In this session, EURO-EXPERT will be hosting a round table on the use of indicators in socio-legal studies. Two papers will be presented and discussed, that of Measuring the World: Indicators, Human Rights and Global Governance by Sally Engle Merry, and The Indicator Fad: How Quantifiable Measurement Can Work Hand-in-Hand with Human Rights, by José-Miguel Bello y Villarino and Ramona Vijeyarasa. The discussion which follows will then be open to questions from the audience and will engage with issues such as the diverse uses of indicators, their value and how they may be best engaged with in policy and research.

All are welcome to attend.