Book Launch- Supply Chain Justice: the logistics of British Border Control

Event date
23 January 2025
Event time
15:30 - 17:00
Oxford week
HT 1
Wharton Room - All Souls College (and online)

Notes & Changes

Please note that this event will be recorded, if you do not wish to be part of the recording, please feel free to turn your cameras off once the talk begins. The talk will be made available on the Criminology website and YouTube channel at a later date. 


Registration closes at midday on Wednesday 22nd January. The Teams link will be sent to you that afternoon.


Book Cover - Supply Chain Justice
Book Cover - Supply Chain Justice

In this talk, Mary Bosworth will introduce her new book, Supply Chain Justice which is the first study of immigration detainee escorting in the UK. This wholly outsourced form of border control includes sites of short-term immigration detention at the border and in country, a fleet of custodial vans, and scheduled and charter deportation flights.  Drawing on a four-year mixed-method project, which spanned the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Mary will discuss how this system is arranged and run like a supply chain. While the outcome may feel punitive for those subject to it, unlike the more familiar sites of long-term immigration detention, this system is not obviously penal it in its design or execution. And yet staff are trained in and entitled to use force and people’s liberty is taken away.  Exploring the tensions between these elements Mary will turn to studies of infrastructure and logistics, to consider how they might further our understanding and critique of this system.

After her presentation, Mary will be joined by Dr Hindpal Bhui and Prof. Vanessa Barker who will critically respond to the book and to Mary’s talk, before opening out to questions from the audience.


Mary Bosworth
Mary Bosworth

Mary Bosworth is founder and  Co-Director of Border Criminologies, an interdisciplinary research group focusing on the intersections between criminal justice and border control. In addition to being Professor of Criminology, she is a Fellow of St Cross College

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