The Eighth Annual Oxford IP Conversazione
The Eighth Annual Oxford IP Conversazione with the theme “IP and Sport: On the Same Team?” was held on the 18th March 2016 in conjunction with the Oxford International IP Moot competition. Sir Henry Carr of the High Court served as Compère of the event, which had four speakers considering various aspects of the moot problem and how IP can (or could) affect the business of sport. Barbara Slater OBE, the Director of BBC Sport, and herself a former gymnast, spoke about her work at the BBC, dealing with licensing and broadcasting and avoiding lawyers whenever possible. Craig Giles of Bird & Bird reviewed the many creative techniques that ambush marketers have used to work around the restrictions of intellectual property, contract law, and physical barriers. Professor Lionel Bently of Cambridge made the radical but compelling suggestion that the plays of footballers could be the subject of a (very thin) copyright protection. Finally, Simon Foulkes of Rainbow Productions discussed the challenges and rewards of starting a mascot production business in the UK. After the panel presentations in the auditorium, the discussions moved outside for drinks and to Pembroke College Hall where tables posed questions to the speakers during dinner.
Thanks to all of the speakers, participants, and Pembroke College Staff who made the event possible.

Read a report of this year's IP Moot here.